

Teachers Guide
1. How do I register as a teacher or coach ?
  1. From the home page, hit the Earn From What You Know button on the top right of the header.
  2. You will be presented with a 3 step profile form that you need to fill in. The form will capture your account information, skilled areas and your settlements account details
  3. After a successful submission of your profile, and admin will review your profile and upon approval, you will be notified via email that your account is ready.
2. How do I edit my profile and account information ?
  1. Login to your dashboard by clicking on the avatar on the far right of the header, and click 'Instructor Login'.
  2. Click 'My Profile' on the header.
  3. Click the 'Edit icon' on the top right of your bio.
  4. After making the necessary changes, click the 'Update my profile' and your changes will be saved. If you update your username or profile picture, you will need to log back in to see the refelected changes
3. How do I create / post a new session ?
  1. From your instructor dashboard, click the “New Session” button
  2. A new window will open with labeled fields that you need to fill each with a label to guide you.
  3. After filling in the session, form you can either publish it to the public, or just save it for later.
4. How do I duplicate a session (or create standing times for a session) ?
  1. Head over to your dashboard to see a list of all sessions you have created.
  2. Find the session that you want to duplicate, there will be a list of actions at the bottom, one of them being “Duplicate”. Click Duplicate and a new modal window pops up.
  3. A modal window pop up with two tabs titled “Duplicate” and “Recurring Session” respctively, use the appropriate tab to performed the desired action.
5. How do I edit a session that is already posted ?
  1. Head over to your dashboard to see a list of all sessions you have created.
  2. Find the session you want to Edit. There will be a list of actions at the bottom, one of them being “Edit”. Click Edit and you will be taken to the edit form. PS: You will not be able to edit a session after participants begin enrolling.
6. How do I hide a session from displaying to the general public ?
  1. Head over to your dashboard to see a list of all sessions you have created.
  2. Click “View” at the bottom of the sesion you want to work on and you will be taken to the detailed view of that session.
  3. On the detailed view page, from the top right, toggle the “Visible” button on or off to hide or display the session to the public
7. How do I report an issue or bug or seek help ?
  1. Head over to your dashboard to see a list of all sessions you have created.
  2. Click “Support” on the header, you'll be presented with a support page 4 cards with the appropriate support actions
  3. Click the respective button at the bottom of the card you want to take action upon
8. How do I check if there are sign-ups for your posted session ?
  1. Head over to your dashboard to see a list of all sessions you have created.
  2. Click “View” on the session you want to see enrolled participants.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see enrolled students
9. How do I view my sessions revenue ?
  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. On the header, click on the amount label on the header
  3. You'll be taken to a page with a two tabed table, with your session revenue as well as your product revenue. Click the “Sessions Revenue” tab to see you sessions revenue & “Resource Revenue” tab to see you resource revenue. Your revenue will be sent to your paypal settlements account on the 15th and 30th/31st of every month.
10. How do I sell a resource/handout ?
  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Click on “Marketplace” on the header, or “Sell Resource”
  3. Depending on the button you cliked above, you'll either be taken to a page with a list of all your resources on sale (if any) or directly to the form where you need to enter details of the reource you want to sell.
  4. After filling in all the required fields, click the “Post Resouce” button
11. How do I view my resource revenue ?
  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. On the header, click on the amount label on the header
  3. You'll be taken to a page with a two tabed table, with your session revenue as well as your resource revenue. Click the “Resource Revenue” tab. Your revenue will be sent to your paypal settlements account on the 15th and 30th/31st of every month.
12. How to delete a session
  1. Head over to your dashboard to see a list of all sessions you have created.
  2. Click the “Delete” button below the session you want to delete.
  3. To Delete ALL OCCURENCES of a particular session, click this Delete Icon on the right of that session
13. How do I delete my account ?
  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Click “My Profile” on the header
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the profile page, and click “Delete Account”
Participants Guide
1. How do I enrol for a session ?
  1. Go to the view page of the session you want to enrol
  2. Click “Kindly Register”
  3. On the checkout page, enter your email and a unique username. If you had previously enrolled for a different session, your username will be auto filled for you
  4. After making your payment, you will receive an email with the link to the session and a link to your private dashboard, where you can keep track of all sessions you enrol to as well as download any available handouts.
2. How do I attend / join a session ?
  1. You can either click on the link sent to your email after enroling, or login to your participant dashboard, go to the session details and click the link below the session details.
  2. If the instructor has not yet started the session, wait until it begins, otherwise click “Click to Attend Session”
3. How do I access access handouts shared by teacher/coach ?
  1. Login to your participant dashboard
  2. Find the session whose resources you want to download.
  3. Click “Rate session & download handouts”, there will be a download button on the right side for you to download handouts (if any). Handouts are only accessible one week from the time the teacher uploaded
4. How do I rate a session ?
  1. Login to your participant dashboard
  2. Find the session you want to rate.
  3. Click “Rate session & download handouts” you will see the rating section on the left hand side.
  4. You will see the rating section on the left hand side.
5. How do I comment on a session ?
  1. Login to your participant dashboard
  2. Find the session whose resources you want to comment on.
  3. Click “Rate session & download handouts” scroll down to “Comments on this session” and leave your comment
6. How do I view all my purchase history ?
  1. Login to your participant dashboard
  2. On the top right, click on your username/avatar
  3. Click “History and you'll see all of your purchase history”
7. How do I add session to calendar ?
  1. Login to your participant account
  2. Find the session you wish to add to google calendar
  3. Grant Teachers & Coaches permission to access you google calender and the session will be added.
Any further questions can be directed to [email protected] and we'll be happy to respond.